Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Council
The Parish Council is comprised currently of a committee of 14 Parish Councillors, who give their time on a voluntary basis, to help enhance the life of the local community. We have 1 vacancy in Warden Hill, and 3 in Leckhampton.
Most services in the Parish are provided by either Gloucestershire County Council or Cheltenham Borough Council and your elected representatives on those Councils, Cllr Tony Oliver, Cllr Graham Beale, Cllr Emma Nelson, Cllr Martin Horwood and Cllr Julia Chandler are there to monitor that services are being provided efficiently, represent your views and answer any queries you may have.
A Parish precept is levied as part of your Council Tax. This provides a budget to enable some services and functions to be delegated to the Parish Council on the basis that the local community will better identify those services which are of most value to the area.
Services and functions include:
- Working with and allocating grants to various local voluntary organisations such as the Brizen Youth Trust, in Bloom for Warden Hill, FOLK, Leckhampton and Warden Hill Scouts, the Cotswold Volunteer Group, Leckhampton rovers Football Club, local schools and Sue Ryder.
- Installing and maintaining the Multi Use Games Area(MUGA) and Toddlers Play Area on Salisbury Avenue and the Ninja trail at Burrow's Field.
- Creating and maintaining a Neighbourhood Plan to help protect our area from inappropriate development.
- Reviewing local Planning Applications submitted within the area to assess whether these comply with our Neighbourhood Plan.
- The following are working groups of the Council; Monitoring Air Pollution, dealing with Highways issues, Traffic monitoring, promoting Community Engagement, Neighbourhood planning and the environment, including climate action initiatives.
The Parish Council Chair is Cllr Phillip Bennett
The Parish Council Vice-Chair is Cllr Chan Mistry
The Parish Councillors representing the two wards are:
For Leckhampton: Stephen Cooke, Martin Horwood, Rosemary Baillie, Roger Fox, Chan Mistry, Jacqui Newport-Black, Emma Nelson and Chris Davies.
For Warden Hill: Phil Bennett, Anne Regan, Ian White, Tony Oliver, Martin Hutchings and Patrick Dunleavy.
The Parish Council meets monthly, other than in August. We are encouraging residents to become Parish Volunteers. Many people do not have the time to belong to a committee but are keen to help where they can. Current planned local community projects include participating in Litter Picks, Speed Prevention checks, Air Pollution Monitoring, helping to plant and maintain our local floral displays and helping to organise community events.
If you are interested in helping with any of these, or have any ideas for other projects then please contact the Parish Clerk, Arlene Deane, on 07739 719079 or e-mail her at clerk@leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk
The Parish Council elections are held every four years, the last one held in May 2022.
The 1 vacancy in Warden Hill and 3 in Leckhampton can be filled via co-option.
Parish Maps
Following a Community Governance review, this parish boundary changed on 1st April 2018 and a map of the new parish can be seen here. We are awaiting a better map.